How to open Association/Club/Trust/Charity Organization/ Educational Institution/Masjid/Madrasa Account in a Bank
1. Account opening form of a bank to be filled in and signed by the account holder
2. Certified copy of the Memorandum of Article of Association/ By-Laws/ Trust Deed
3. Two copies of recent passport size photograph account holder attested by the introducer
4. Certified copy of Registration/ Permission from the concerned Department(S) of the government
5. Tex Identification Number (TIN.) of all Directors
6. Resolution of Board/ Executive Committee/Governing Body for opening the account and authorization for its operation dully certified by the Chairman/Secretary/ President
7. Registration Certificate (If registered)
8. Permission Letter from Bureau of N.G.O.(in case of N.G.O A/C)
How to open Private and Public Limited Company Account in a Bank
1. Account opening form of a bank to be filled in and signed by the account holder2. Introduction by an account holder with signature and account number or any person which is acceptable to the bank
3. Two copies of recent passport size photograph account holder attested by the introducer
4. One copy passport size photograph of nominee attested by the account holder
5. Certified copy of the Memorandum of Article of Association of the company
6. Certified copy of Certificate of Incorporation of the company
7. Certified copy of Certificate of Commencement (In case of Public Limited company)
8. Tex Identification Number (TIN.) of all Directors
9. Tex paid Certificate of all Directors
10. Board Resolution of all directors to open the account and authorization for its operation dully certified by the Chairman/Managing Director of the company
11. Copy of updated Trade Lenience
12. List of all directors along with their designation, full address and phone numbers
13. Certified copy of Form-Xii certified by Registered of Joint Stock Company (In case of change in directorship)
14. Certified copy of Registration in-case of Insurance companies
15. Voter’s Identity Card of all directors
How to open a Partnership Account in a Bank
1. Account opening form of a bank to be filled in and signed by the account holder2. Introduction by an account holder with signature and account number or any person which is acceptable to the bank
3. Two copies of recent passport size photograph account holder attested by the introducer
4. One copy passport size photograph of nominee attested by the account holder
5. Valid Trade license
6. Voter’s Identity Card or National Identity Card (All partners)
7. Registered partnership deed
8. Tex Identification Number (TIN.) of all partners
9. Tex paid Certificate of all partner
10. Resolution of partners to open the account and authorization for its operation dully certified by the Managing Partner
11. Partnership letter dully signed by the all partners
12. List of Partners along with their full address and phone numbers
How to open a Proprietorship Account in a Bank
1. Account opening form of a bank to be filled in and signed by the account holder2. Introduction by an account holder with signature and account number or any person which is accptable to the bank
3. Two copies of recent passport size photograph account holder attested by the introducer
4. One copy passport size photograph of nominee attested by the account holder
5. Valid Trade license
6. Voter’s Identity Card or National Identity Card
7. Sole proprietorship declaration
8. Tex Identification Number (TIN.)
9. Tex paid Certificate
10. Membership certificate of Business area
How to open a Personal Account in a Bank
1. Account opening form of a bank to be filled in and signed by the account holder2. Introduction by an account holder with signature and account number or any person which is acceptable to the bank
3. Two copies of recent passport size photograph account holder attested by the introducer
4. One copy passport size photograph of nominee attested by the account holder
5. Valid Passport (if any)
6. Voter’s Identity Card/ National Identity Card
7. Valid driving license
8. Photo Identity card / confirmation from employer (subject to the bank’s satisfaction)
9. Letter from a recognized public authority or public servant verifying the identity (Photo) of the customer to the satisfaction of bank
10. Confirmation/Letter from employer /other bank verifying there in photograph of the person along with other things.
11. Letter from employer (subject to satisfaction of the bank)
12. Tex Identification Number (TIN.)
13. Tex paid Certificate
Documents require for opening a Bank Account
Most of the people face problems in documentations for opening Bank Account. Basic required documents list are given below:For Opening Individuals & Proprietors Bank A/C
1.Photograph two copies
2.Valid Passport (if any)
3.Voter’s Identity Card/ National Identity Card
4.Valid driving license
5.Photo Identity card / confirmation from employer (subject to the bank’s satisfaction)
6.Letter from a recognized public authority or public servant verifying the identity (Photo) of the customer to the satisfaction of bank
7.Confirmation/Letter from employer /other bank verifying there in photograph of the person along with other things.
8.Defense identity card
9.Identity card issued by a government department / government company to its employees which includes the date of birth.
10.Telephone bill
11.Electricity bill
12.Ration card
13.Letter from employer (subject to satisfaction of the bank)
14.Tex Identification Number (TIN.)
15.Tex paid Certificate
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